Restorative Healing
Chakra Balancing


This session is more specific and works on a deeper level. It is recommended for individuals who are ready for change and ready to make steps forward into healing. The session will start with a discussion about you, what are your concerns, where are you wanting to see change? I believe this is a very important part of the process because this is where you start releasing and you begin to place your trust in me.


Root Chakra

Located from the bottoms of your feet to the base of your spine. This chakra has to do with security and survival, fear will block the energy here. Mantra to repeat: I am present and aware.

Sacral Chakra

Located below your belly button at your pelvis. This chakra has to do with sexuality/pleasure and creativity, guilt will block the energy here. Mantra to repeat: I feel grateful and connected.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Located above your belly button. This chakra has to do with your power specifically your will power, shame will block the energy here. Mantra to repeat: I do create my own reality.

Heart Chakra

Located in the chest around the heart area. This chakra has to do with love. Grief will block the energy here. A mantra to repeat: I love myself and others fearlessly.

Throat Chakra

Located in the throat area. This chakra has to do with truth and communication. Lying to ourselves and to others will block the energy here. A mantra to repeat: I speak and express my truth.

Third Eye Chakra

Located at your forehead between your eyes. This chakra has to do with intuition. Illusions will block the energy here. A mantra to repeat: I see and think clearly.

Crown Chakra

Located at the top of your head. This chakra deals with your spiritual connection to yourself/higher self. Attachment and ego will block the energy here. A mantra to repeat: I know that I am safe as I follow my inner spiritual guidance.

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